Sackrey, Charles; Schneider, Geoffrey; Knoedler, Janet

Dollars & Sense - 7a ed. - Boston Dollars & Sense 2013 - 317 p. 23 x 25 cm.

1. the political economy challengee to Mainstream economics; 2. Adam Smith and the philocophy of limited laissez-faire; 3. Karl Marx and the contradictions of capitalism; 4. Thorstein Veblen and the predatory nature of contemporany y capitalism; 5. Johm Maynard Keynes and the turbulent briht of macroeconomics; 6. Social class american capitalism; 7. John Kenneth Galbraith and the tewory of social balance; 8. U.S. monopoly capitalism: an irrational system. 9. The Middle way; 10. The Mondragón


Dollars & Sense

Economía Política

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