Gottschalk, Gerhard

Discover the World of Microbes: Bacteria, Archea and Viruses - Germany Wiley-Blackwell 2012 - 388 p. il, Apéndice, Glosario, Índice, 24 x 17 cm.

Preface.-- Prologue.-- READING SECTION.-- 1 Extremely small but incredibly active.-- 2 Bacteria are organisms like you and me.-- 3 My name is LUCA.-- 4 From the Big Bang to LUCA.-- 5 O2.-- 6 Life in boiling water.-- 7 Life in the Dead Sea.-- 8 Bacteria and archaea are everywhere.-- 9 The power of photosynthesis, even in almost complete darkness.-- 10 Man and his microbes.--11 Without bacteria there is no protein.-- 12 Napoleon's victory gardens.-- 13 Alessandro Volta's and George Washington's.-- combustible air.-- 14 Microbes as climate makers.-- 15 How a state was founded with the aid of Clostridium acetobutylicum.-- 16 Pulque, wine, and biofuel.-- 17 Energy conservation from renewable resources.-- 18 Cheese and vinegar.-- 19 The periodic table of bioelements.-- 20 Bacterial sex life.-- 21 Bacteria can also catch viruses.-- 22 Antibiotics: from microorganisms, against microorganisms.-- 23 Plasmids and resistances.-- 24 Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a genetic engineer par excellence.-- 25 Eco R1 and PCR - molecular biology at its finest.-- 26 Interbacterial relationships.-- 27 From life as a nomad to life as an endosymbiont.-- 28 Bacteria as production factories.-- 29 Plants, animals, and humans as food resources of bacteria.-- 30 Viruses, chemicals causing epidemics?.-- 31 The "-omics" era.-- 32 Incredible microbes.-- Epilogue.-- STUDY GUIDE.-- Overview to the Study Guide
Microbial growth.-- Molecules that make up microbes.-- Evolution, from the RNA world to the tree of life.-- Archaea.-- Bacterial diversity.-- Membranes and energy.-- Carbon metabolism.-- Regulation of microbial metabolism.-- Genomes, genes, and gene transfer.-- In-depth study of four special topics.-- Selected literature.-- Glossary.-- Subject index of figures and tables.-- Index


Discover the World of Microbes: Bacteria, Archea and Viruses

Bacteria Archea Viruses

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